Saturday, June 18, 2011


Today  we  saw  a  leaf  bug.  It  was cool.  It  was  also  HUGE!!!  

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Bad day At School

I  found  out  that  I have a bully at school.  He does mean things to me.  The first thing he said to me is that he was going to kick me to space.  I am trying to be his friend anyway.

The book I wrote

This  summer  I  am  working  on  a  story.  It  is  called  Lizzy`s  Storys  Princess  Audrey.

Our 72 Hour Kits

A few  days  ago we  packed  our 72 Hour  kits. While  we were,I got scared, because it was mostly  for  a  hurricane! 

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Good Day at School

Once I won an Fifth Place award at school. My dad and mom were so proud!  I won it for being the 5th fastest girl in my grade.